Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Disordered Government Stuck in Time Warp

News flash! PENTAGON LISTS HOMOSEXUALITY AS DISORDER. "A Pentagon document classifies homosexuality as a mental disorder, decades after mental health experts abandoned that position." The article further states "Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Jeremy M. Martin said the policy document is under review." Yeah, like for the past 50 years? Read the whole sordid story by clicking the link above. Nice to know our government is so forward thinking.

Monday, June 05, 2006

The New and Improved Batwoman!

I just read that Batwoman is being resurrected by DC comics, this time as a lesbian. I should be thrilled. Up to now, my lesbian comic book heroes (with the exception of Hothead Paisan) have been on the wimpy side (Jane of Jane's World, Mo of Dykes to Watch Out For) But Batwoman as a lesbian is just wrong. It's another typical male fantasy version of a lesbian. Really, how many dykes have you ever seen who can be described as "5-foot-10... with flowing red hair, knee-high red boots with spiked heels, and a form-fitting black outfit?" OK, so I'm sure there are plenty of dominatrix types who fit the bill but in the real world I like my superheroes nerdy and wearing sensible shoes. Bring on the spiky haired smarty! That's someone I can stand behind. Besides, Hothead Paisan could kick Batwoman's latex ass any day.