Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Have A Happy.

So I was in the restroom a few minutes ago and someone left on the ledge part of the paper (the part that covers the adhesive) from a sanitary napkin. After my initial gross-out that someone didn't completely throw away all remnants of their sanitary endeavor I noticed there was writing on the paper. It said, courtesy of Always, "Have a Happy Period."

My first reaction, after puzzling over the fact that someone in the marketing department of Always actually thought an affirmation printed to the back of a sanitary napkin would assuage womens' painful cycles, was, "Oh, how sweet, someone left that there for the next person in this stall to read, hoping they too would have a happy day (period or no.) How very thoughtful. And who says women are bitchy when they're on their periods?

So there you have it. Always just trumped Dove Promises for the weird affirmation prize.
No doubt someone is out there with a website detailing the pithy quotes of sanitary products the world over. Just remember you read it here first.


At 7:57 AM, Blogger pilgrimchick said...

You know a guy came up with that gem. If it were a woman, it never would have been printed. Instead, you would have found commentary on how the world sucks or eat chocolate now or go cry and drink a cup of coffee even though it won't make you feel better kind of commentary.


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